For the sake of tracking this pregnancy for how ever long it decides to last, I'm going to use this page to chronicle and correlate pictures and appt stuff. This may (and likely will) include pee-sticks, ultrasounds, and belly pics.
4/27 - The 1st positive test (this time). 9dpo. The start of my hpt taking frenzy. |
5/17 - 1st ultrasound. Heartbeat at 5w6d or 6w! |
5/26 - Happy birthday to me! Our "earless gummi bear" at 8w2d. |
12w us/ NT scan. Little wiggle worm w/ HB 164. Fingers and Toes! |
8/11 - Anatomy scan. 18w2d. What a beautiful baby!
The almost completed nursery. There are picture frames yet to hang,
but no pictures to go in them, yet. |