Monday, May 16, 2011

On Pins and Needles!

I promise this isn't another PIO post! (I'm doing well with those, except for some mild sciatic nerve compression from the tissue irritation. I'll live).

All I can think about today was tomorrow morning. Almost all Sunday, I spent the day on the couch (feeling a bit cruddy and tired, gracias!) googling everything I could about embryonic development at 6wks, 6wk ultrasounds, and when the heart beat can typically be seen and/or heard.

I would be over the friggin' moon if we heard the heartbeat tomorrow. It is not something I've ever been exposed to, except through TV, movies or the internet. I've never had the pleasure of being in the room when a sonogram or u/s of that nature is given. I will be overjoyed if we get to see the heartbeat flickering on the screen if it can't be heard. I'll be thrilled to see the baby is growing on target.

More than anything, I'll be happy just to know that there is a baby alive in there.

I am truly blessed to have as amazing a husband as the Boy is. He couldn't take the day off, but he told his bosses that he would be in late. He is adamant about making this appt with me. I don't know if I could stand it for him not to be there. Good or bad, we are going to be there together tomorrow, holding hands, supporting one another.

Tomorrow is a full moon. They have always been my fertile time and have been kind to me in general. I'm hoping that holds.

** I'll update everyone how things went tomorrow morning after I get home from work. I won't have the opportunity to bring my lap, so won't be able to share the news until the evening. **


  1. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow morning. I'm crossing my fingers for both of this week. Can't wait to hear how it goes :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'll be thinking of you today and hoping that you get to see a heartbeat. Six weeks is early, but it happens and the universe definitely owes you some reassurance.

  4. can't wait to hear the great news!

  5. Thinking of you this morning and praying you see that beautiful heartbeat. I'll be on pins and needles all day!

  6. Very anxious to hear how it goes today! Crossing my fingers and toes!!

  7. I'm thinking of you - hoping you had a wonderful appointment!!!
