Thursday, April 28, 2011


No change.

I still feel like I did yesterday - kinda crappy.

I didn't drink anything after 9pm last night to concentrate my pee for testing this morning. The "line" is the same. A little whisper of pink. It could be slightly more pink (maybe?) but still just as light as yesterday's.

I have a beta draw scheduled tomorrow morning at 8:15a. They didn't ask what dpo I was, so I didn't volunteer the info. Last time, they didn't want me to come in until after 15dpo. I can't wait that long.

Last night, while settling down for bed, I was talking with the Boy about being scared and not excited. He understands. In fact, he said he doesn't really feel anything about it right now. We aren't hedging our bets just yet. He gives it 60/40 of working out this time. We also discussed me talking with the RE about starting PIO if the betas do well. I didn't want to do the injections over suppositories as my period comes on its own with the supps, but would be delayed until I stopped the PIO after blood draws, etc. We wait enough without losing a few days each cycle to have the extra progesterone level my blood stream.

I'm more than willing to give myself these shots each day if it would mean keeping this sliver of pink. I just don't want to delay the inevitable, though.

I hate the waiting...


  1. I am keeping you in my thoughts Christina x

  2. said a little prayer for you last night xo

  3. So glad you are going in for a beta. This will help you to know a little! Thinking of you!!!

  4. You are in my thoughts, Christina. Can't wait to hear the beta results.

  5. GOOD LUCK! I'll be checking in tomorrow to find out what your beta is!!!

  6. Sending you warm thoughts and hope. I understand the mixture of feelings.

  7. I'm crossing my fingers that you have a good beta tomorrow.

  8. OMG what did I miss? Good luck for the beta big happy thoughts are sent your way.

  9. Fingers crossed for you!!! Some ladies have darker HPTs in the afternoon than mornings, FWIW.
