Monday, February 7, 2011

Sorta Super Sunday

Yesterday was a mostly good day. Slept pretty well. Woke up on my own (thanks pups!). Weather was nice, warmish and sunny. I even did a little, little bit of cleaning around the house. And since I was feeling ok and I'm a loving wife, I told the Boy we could go to his brother's to watch the Super Bowl. It didn't hurt that his brother sent me a message on AIM to see if I was feeling any better. He was glad that I was and genuinely happy that we were coming over that afternoon.

So once he got home, I showered and morphed into a normal looking human being, tossed back a Xanax in prep, and off we headed. I steeled myself for the inevitable nursery tour and baby and belly talk from the SIL. I was fine with the nursery- it was just painted walls as the crib arrived damaged. She didn't talk too much baby. The pizza dinner was alright. I'm not a huge fan of Pizza Hut, but hey, I didn't have to cook it. I had fun and loved, loved, loved playing with their 4m old lab puppy. I even gave them helpful pointers on teaching him how to start learning "shake". I could even say that I enjoyed the evening. There were only a few incidents that made me uncomfortable.

1 - We were discussing our mutual friends' pregnancy announcement. I had already dealt with it and I'm very happy for them. My BIL's comment ticked me off though. "Good to see that someone can still get knocked-up on accident. I had to give my wife shots in the @ss." My thoughts went like this - "1st, she got pregnant the her 1st month off BC and before your 1m wedding anniversary. 2nd, she chose the shots over suppositories because they were gross and awkward. 3rd, She has had endometriosis and while they weren't officially trying, they had not been preventing for almost 1yr and didn't know if she could have kids." Thankfully, Boy must have read my mind and mentioned that they had some issues and weren't sure they could have kids because of them, followed by a meek "Oh." from BIL.

2 - The Boy was being a typical uncle and goofing off with his step-nephew. We have an on-going joke between us about whose cat is the cooler, more awesome cat. Well, nephew told him that if Boy won their arm wrestling contest that he'd admit that our cat was cooler than his. Apparently, that really set off BIL, and he started talking about screwing around like that with our kids. It wasn't that he was upset or was going to do things like that with our kids. I'd expect other relatives to try and take advantage of kids' gullible nature. No, what got me was the thought we might not have kids to trick into things or play around with like that. Sigh...

3 - SIL made a passing comment of how she has to put a pillow on her lap as her new "desk" for her laptop as BIL doesn't like her putting it on her belly. He thinks it will overheat the baby. Maybe, I don't know. She then brought it back to TTC and how it is not recommended guys use laptops on their laps as it can boil the boys so to speak. Then went on about some more TTC info. That I did not want to hear and made me glad we hadn't told them we were TTC as she'd probably mention temping and ovulation tests and everything else we've already done.

But it was a pretty good Bowl game. The commercials were kinda lame, but I was over all entertained. I'm back to work today. Man, is it hard to wake up to an alarm you haven't heard in a whole week!


  1. All the comments are hard to deal with, I know. I'm glad that overall you made it through without too many scars!

  2. As I was reading your store it showed how much we had in common. Were both married to a Chris, we both have low (ours is more boarder line) sperm count and motility. We both have hypothyroidism. Glad I'm not alone. Your family found like mine, cousin (only people that live close) get pregnant time and time again no trying and use it's been three years with nothing. I'm so happy I ran across your blog.

  3. I'm catching up on the Friday Round-ups from last month and yours really resonated with me. I have both sister-in-laws on either side now pregnant and trying to navigate how to best handle it. It's not easy. Your post is making me want to write more about my other SIL that I haven't written about.

    I hope they continue to be as sensitive as they can with you. Thanks for writing about this.
